Saturday, July 19, 2014

Tanoreen Tale

It all started when my investment guy sent an email one day saying to watch the mail on a Tuesday some months ago.  Tuesday came and so did a cookbook named 'Olives, Lemons, and Za'atar'.  My investment guy was the one who watched my moolah when I lived in Israel for a year.  All he wanted in return was a rock from the Holy Land.  Which, of course, he got plus a couple of other items.  Lo and behold I read in the book that the author of the cookbook had a restaurant in Brooklyn named Tanoreen.
So yesterday I went into Brooklyn, NY to visit my next door neighbor when I lived in Jerusalem.  Ironic how we met and it's way to long of a story to tell.  I specifically went in to go to Tanoreen.
Here is Rawia Bishara the owner of Tanoreen and author of the cookbook and me.  She is a Palestinian from Nazareth and many of her dishes were her mother's recipes.  Absolutely fabulous food, you really need to go.  She came out of the kitchen for the photo, she was actually cooking.  Below is my friend Rabbi Carole and Rawia.

It's at 7523 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn, NY at the corner of Third Avenue and 76th Street.  I like the reflection of the buildings across the street in the window.