The Ladies Philoptochos Society at St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church in Orange held a tea for the ladies of other Churches and Synagogues of Orange on Saturday. I featured this group of very dedicated women on my other blog Wooster Square Daily Photo, I took several cooking classes from them. 
These are my 'peeps', Carol, Mary, Jean, Ann, Marg.
Hats were optional and the women of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church were all over it.
Featured Speaker, Brenda Hemingway, the wife of Pastor Robert Hemingway at the Uttermost Deliverance and Restoration Ministries in New Haven, CT.
Musical entertainment featured Stacy Grimaldi, soprano and also the choir director at St. Barbara and Carolyn Halsted, accompanist.
Here's Jane Hadjimichael giving Ms. Hemingway a gift for the Uttermost Ministries.
It was a lovely and genteel way to spend a spring afternoon, NOT TO MENTION, the fabulous Greek pastries. The Philoptochos Society 'aid the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, the handicapped, the victims of disasters, t undertake the burial of impoverished persons and to offer assistance to anyone who may need the help of the church through fund raising efforts.'
These photos are just fabulous. I like such parties. On my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary I would also be hosting a tea party. Planning to book a local outdoor Chicago event space for this party because I will invite some of their friends and colleagues too.