For the last five years or so the Orange Congregational Pilgrim Youth Fellowship has done a freeze out to raise awareness of homelessness and money for Habitat for Humanity.
So they get financial sponsorship from the congregation, friends and family that will go to Habitat and then they build a 'shanty' town out of card board boxes and spend the night in it on a cold night in January.
They crawl in and take one hour shifts throughout the night from 7:00 pm until 7:00 am the next day. The ones who are inside listen to speakers from the Police Department, Habitat, Sacred Heart University, etc up until about 11:00.
The next morning they have breakfast and are out of there by 8:00 am.
Nope, I didn't stay out with them. I know. Cheesy. But I did have dinner with them and then brought coffee the next am. NICE JOB YOUTH and ADULTS who are the bravest and more courageous adults I know. iPhone pictures.